amigurumi, amigurumi doll, AMİGURUMİ FREE PATTERNS

Amigurumi Candy girl


White string: Nako diamond
Colorful yarns: Alize cotton gold and Snowball natural (coton)
Tig 2.5 mm
eyes (with toy clip)

Sh: magic ring
x: frequent needle
v: boost
a: reduction (reduction)
*: again
p: patter
blo: sink into the back loop
flo: sinking in the front loop ..

With white rope

  1. 6x into the magic ring
    2.6v (12)
  2. (1x, 1v) * 6 (18)
  3. (2x, 1v) * 6 (24)
  4. (3x, 1v) * 6 (30)
  5. (4x, 1v) * 6 (36)
  6. (5x, 1v) * 6 (42)
  7. (6x, 1v) * 6 (48)
  8. (7x, 1v) * 6 (54)
    10-18. (54)
  9. 13x, (1x, 1v) * 5, 7x (1x1v) * 5, 14x (64) (we increase 5 loops from the cheeks)
    20-24. (64x)
  10. 13x, (1x, 1a) * 5, 7x (1x, 1a) * 5, 14x (54)
  11. (7x, 1a) * 6 (48)
  12. (6x, 1a) * 6 (42)
  13. (5x, 1a) * 6 (36)
  14. (4x, 1a) * 6 (30)
  15. (3x, 1a) * 6 (24) is over.
    (Wear eyes with 8 loops apart in 17th and 18th place)
    Sew the hair out to the head as much as it looks outside, we make two braids separately and sew them to the head.


  1. we combine sh 10x
    2.5p 5x (5pitch)
    3.We pull 1 chain 20x
    4.10p 10x (10p)
    5.1 we pull 1 chain 30x
    6.15p 15x (15pitch)
    7.1 we pull 1 chain 40x
  2. 20p 20x (20p) plunger) 9. We pull 1 chain 50x
  3. 25p 20x (25)
    11-14. without increasing it (by squeezing between them) (25pıtırcık)
    15-16. 50x (we finish with two rows of frequent needles and sew on the head)

With colored rope;

  1. pull 12 chains to the second loop;
    1v, 9 x, 1v, 9x (22x) (attach a loop holder to the last loop)
  2. (1v) * 2, 9x, (1v) * 2, 9x (26)
  3. (1x, 1v) * 2, 9x, (1x, 1v) * 2, 9x (30)
  4. (2x, 1v) * 2, 9x, (2x, 1v) * 2, 9x (34)
  5. We knit by making cc in 1 row (loop shift)
  6. We knit this row as blo (34x)
    7-8. (34x)
  7. 13x, (1x, 1a) * 2, 1x, 2a, (1x, 1a) * 2, 4x (28x)
  8. 13x, 6a, 3x (22x)
  9. 12x, 4a, 2x (18x)
  10. 11x, 3a, 1x (15x)
    13-14-15-16. (15x)
  11. We go back with 5x, 1 chain and knit CC (scroll) (15)
    We knit as the 18th flo (15) shoe is finished ..

We blot the white string for the leg and add it to the shoe (15x)
On the one hand, we fill the bead fiber and knit the leg with 40 rows of white. (15x)

After knitting the other leg, we pull 3 chains together. We knit all three chains (36x) without ever increasing or decreasing. After 24 rows of knitting, we knit until 20 x (1x, 1a), (20x)
We knit 4 rows of neck and sew to the head …


  1. 5x into sh
  2. Always double (10x)
    3-28 10x. we make and sew to the body.


  1. we pull 40 chains
    2.We make 38 double handrails
    3.We make 1 more row of 38 handrails
  2. We pull two chains, draw 5 handrails, 8 chains and sink into the 9th slot, and knit 12 handrails, pull 8 chains again, sink into the 9th slot and knit 5 handrails.
    We make handrails for every loop including the top of the 5th chain.
  3. We knit 1 pair, 1 single and knit handrails to the other loops, except for the underarms, and continue without increasing or decreasing 12 rows (according to your baby’s height).
    When it comes to the end of the skirt, we turn it upside down and knit 3 rows of bees ..

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